Steps into analytic number theory: A problem-based introduction (with P. Pollack)
Springer, Problem Books in Mathematics.
Distribution mod $p$ of Euler’s totient and the sum of proper divisors (with N. Lebowitz-Lockard and P. Pollack)
Michigan Math. J. 74 (2024), 143–166.
Links: Journal arXiV
Joint distribution in residue classes of polynomial-like multiplicative functions (with P. Pollack)
Acta Arith. 202 (2022), 89–104.
Link: Journal arXiV
Powerfree sums of proper divisors (with P. Pollack)
Colloq. Math 168 (2022), 287–295.
Link: Journal arXiV
Dirichlet, Sierpinski, and Benford (with P. Pollack)
J.Number Theory 239 (2022), 352–364.
Link: Journal
On Benford’s Law for multiplicative functions (with V. Chandee, X. Li and P. Pollack)
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 151 (2023), 4607–4619.
Link: Journal arXiV
Benford behavior and distribution in residue classes of large prime factors (with P. Pollack)
Canad. Math. Bull. 66 (2023), 626–642.
Link: Journal
Distribution in coprime residue classes of polynomially-defined multiplicative functions (with P. Pollack)
Math. Z. 303 (2023), no. 4, paper 93, 20 pages.
Link: Journal arXiV
Intermediate prime factors in specified subsets
(with N. McNew and P. Pollack)
Monatsh. Math. 202 (2023), 837–855.
Link: Journal
The distribution of intermediate prime factors (with N. McNew and P. Pollack)
Illinois J. Math. 68 (2024), no. 3, 537-576.
Link: Journal arXiV
Mean values of multiplicative functions and applications to residue-class distribution (with P. Pollack)
Proc. Edinb. Math. Soc., accepted for publication.
Link: Most recent version
Joint distribution in residue classes of families of polynomially-defined multiplicative functions I, 53 pages
Submitted to J. London Math. Soc.
Link: Most recent version
Joint distribution in residue classes of families of polynomially-defined multiplicative functions II, 31 pages
Submitted to Acta. Arith.
Link: Most recent version
Joint distribution in residue classes of families of polynomially-defined additive functions, 34 pages
Submitted to Math Z.
Link: Most recent version
Anatomical mean value bounds on multiplicative functions and the distribution of the sum of divisors, 34 pages
Submitted to Michigan Math. J.
Link: Most recent version
The Landau-Selberg-Delange method for products of Dirichlet $L$-functions and applications.
Distribution in residue classes of hybrid families of polynomially-defined additive and multiplicative functions.
Weighted equidistribution and mean values of multiplicative functions in twisted progressions
PAlmetto Number Theory Series (PANTS) XXXVII: December 2023
Distribution in coprime residue classes of Euler’s totient and the sum of divisors Slides
University of Georgia Number Theory Seminar: April 2024
Joint distribution in residue classes of families of arithmetic functions Slides
Dartmouth College Algebra and Number Theory Seminar: November 2024 (upcoming)
Equidistribution and mean values of families of multiplicative functions Slides
AMS Spring Eastern Sectional Meeting 2025: “Counting and Asymptotics in Number Theory” (upcoming, April 2025)